…genuinely fantastic; a walking encyclopaedia on tax.
Patrick Soares
Call: 1983
Patrick Soares advises on all areas of taxation, with particular emphasis on the taxation and structuring of property transactions, value added tax, trusts and offshore tax. He acts for many high profile clients and large commercial enterprises. He lectures on a great variety of topics and chairs annual London conferences on Optimum Tax Structures for Land Transactions and Overseas Trusts and Companies.
Previously he was a tax partner in a leading firm of London solicitors. He obtained his Masters Degree in Taxation from University College, London and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Taxation.
He is the Tax Editor of the Property Law Bulletin and the author of a number of tax books and booklets on Value Added Tax Planning for Property Transactions, Offshore Investment in UK Property, Non-Resident Trusts, Remittances and Domicile and the Statutory Residence Rules.
Articles, Tax Memos and Property Tax Bulletins by Patrick Soares are available via our Resources page
Sought after for his depth of experience in tax advisory work. He regularly advises large corporations and is experienced in dealing with a great variety of cases, including those concerning property transactions, offshore issues and VAT.
Strengths: “He does a lot of planning work around foreign domiciliaries and is extremely good at it.”
He is an exceptional choice of counsel for trusts taxation work.
Strengths: “A man with a fine mind full of legal knowledge. He can instantly recall the dustiest of tax cases.”
LEGAL 500 2020
‘An exceptional tax barrister.’
“Offers excellent, practical tax advice.”
“A walking encyclopaedia on tax and a genuinely nice person.”
“A healthy reputation for handling offshore tax matters.”
Patrick Soares usually charges for work on a fixed fee or hourly rate basis. Professional and licensed access clients may contact either Patrick direct (ps@fieldtax.com), or one of the Practice Managers (chambers@fieldtax.com), to obtain a quotation for legal services. Additional contact details can be found on the Contact page.
If requested, Patrick is happy to provide you with an indication of how long a particular piece of work is likely to take. If you have a particular deadline Patrick can let you know in advance whether that is feasible. He will always endeavour to meet a client’s timescale, but his ability to do so will depend on the amount of work involved and his pre-existing commitments (in particular if he is involved in tribunal/court proceedings).
Patrick wants to give you the best possible service. However, if at any point you become unhappy or concerned about the service provided to you, then you should inform us as soon as possible. Details of our complaints procedure, together with details about making complaints to the Legal Ombudsman, can be found here.
Patrick is regulated by the Bar Standards Board (BSB). The Barrister’s Register on the BSB’s website can be found here.
VAT number: 404 3183 89